Tuesday, 31 May 2011

View from my window

I have revamped my Mythological Procession and this is how it looks from my bedroom. Until June 5th 2011 my sculpture garden is open to the public in the Wylye Valley Art Trail in Wiltshire.

Friday, 20 May 2011

Dali in the City

Quite by chance I came across the Dali in the City exhibition near Moorgate in London and snapped this image. The ground floor of an office block had been taken over by Dalis.

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Spider for Stourhead

I went to Stourhead the National Trust garden in Wiltshire to measure the curtains figuratively. As part of a sculpture trail I am creating with my fellow members of the Scraptors Sculpture Group to be on show throughout the month of September 2011 I will make a giant spider like the one shown here I made for a client in Sussex. It will hang between these two trees at Stourhead pictured here. There are eight metres between the two trees